Sunday, November 7, 2010

Our introduction

     Since this is my first post let me start by telling you guys a little bit about us. My name is Morgan Slaight and I am 23 years old. My husbands name is Tyler Slaight and we have two wonderful sons, Joseph is 4 and Jaxon 2. We have been "together" for 7 years but have been married for 2 years. Our life together has not been easy at all! I was 16 when I met my husband, he is my high school sweetheart but he was 22. I was head over heels in love with him from the moment we first met... I know, sounds so cliche but it's true. When you meet someone, you just know! It has been a struggle for us to stay together, not for the lack of love or trying but because of what life has thrown at us.
     My husband is manic bipolar and everyday is a struggle for him and for me, but not only does he struggle from bipolar he is also a "recovering" drug addict. Like millions of Americans he struggles with pain killer addiction. He tries to self medicate the bipolar with drugs and the cycle has only been vicious for him and our family.
    When I was 17 years old we found out we were pregnant with our first son Joseph Benjamin Slaight. He was the light of our life. I tried to prepare myself for motherhood but at such a young age is there such a thing as preparing? I worked two jobs and dropped out of high school. I did the best I could to get ready to become a mother, and then on October 9th 2006 he came into the world and all of the preparing I could've tried to do, could not have prepared for the love I would feel for this little boy I just met.
   Things went good for a while I continued to work to jobs, got back into high school, graduated at 19 and Tyler worked full time... we were like a regular family for once. But then a year later, we found out I was pregnant again. Now, I would NEVER refer to my child as a mistake but getting pregnant was definitely an accident! We were not even close to being "prepared" for a second child. When Jaxon Christian Slaight was born, once again I fell in love with my "little man" and was hoping things would be like they were with Joseph. But I was wrong. Being 2 young parents struggling from pay check to pay check and adding another baby to the mix was a little too much to handle. We both did the best we could to keep things under control but somewhere along the way we lost it.
             This is the blog about our life and the journey to try to rebuild it. Today is November 7th 2010 and In a year we have literally lost everything. We lost our home, our car, our jobs and any security we once had. This blog is the journey to rebuilding our lives. We know that god has wonderful plans in store for us and with my husband 6 months sober now I cannot wait to see how life will be like when we get through this. I know there are tons of people who can relate to our story, we are people living off of food stamps to feed our family, trying to figure out what resource can help us with necessities and trying to get through every day. As ashamed to say those things as we are these are things that tons of Americans are doing today!

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me"